Wealth structuring

Our estate planners take your situation and expectations into account.
Does your prenuptial agreement need to be adjusted? Are your inheritance arrangements still in line with your wishes?

  • Structuring and transferring wealth

    Our experts analyse your situation and help you optimise and transfer your wealth, taking a comprehensive approach.

    Our comprehensive approach

  • Overview and current situation

    Your PaxFamilia digital platform gives you an instant and complete view of your wealth. Your most important documents are secure in a digital safe.

    Discover PaxFamilia


Experts and personalised advice

  • Our experts at your service

    In terms of managing your wealth, your private banker or wealth manager is your main point of contact. They will put you in touch with our estate planning, insurance and financing specialists.

    Meet our experts

  • Our experts' website

    MyExperts offers you new articles every day, written by our strategists: market analysis, exclusive information on inheritance and taxation matters, and reactions to the latest economic events.

    Discover MyExperts

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