Family property administration


The person to be protected

If they suffer, for example, from a mental disability or the effects of old age, the justice of the peace can set up judicial protection (also called property and/or person administration).


Simplify their financial management

Are you appointed as a property administrator? As a trusted financial partner, you can count on us to ease your mission. We provide you with the necessary access and tools to manage the protected person's assets.


We are by your side

Do you have questions? Or would you like to receive more advice? Don't hesitate to contact your usual advisor or the BNP Paribas Fortis agency of the protected person.

Start your mission well

Access to the protected person's accounts


The judge's order

The justice of the peace analyses the needs of the adult to be protected, specifies the scope of the protection measures and appoints an administrator.


The bank appointment

Contact us to schedule an appointment quickly and submit the order that designates you as an administrator.


Access to accounts

We will take the necessary steps to enable you to manage the protected person's finances as effectively as possible.

Look after the interests of your loved ones

Discover the facilities for administering the protected person's finances while giving them the greatest possible autonomy.

Access to accounts

Via Easy Banking Web, you have access to the protected person's accounts. Ask your advisor for a debit card linked to their payment account to pay their outstanding bills, make purchases, etc.

A global view of the assets

To help you write the initial asset report requested by the justice of the peace, we give you an overview of the accounts the protected person holds with the bank.

Expense histories

The annual report to be submitted each year to the justice of the peace can also be easily generated using the expense and entry histories available on Easy Banking Web.

Banking and insurance solutions

If the judge's order allows it, you can open a savings account in the name of the protected person or subscribe to other types of products, such as fire insurance.

An account that boosts autonomy

You can also open a "budget account" (payment account) to help them better manage their expenses, in a framework adapted to their needs – without them having a view of their other accounts.

All about property administration

Do you have questions about the procedure, the regulation of judicial protection and its implications, the role of the family administrator and their obligations?

We recommend reading the practical guide for family administrators co-written by the King Baudouin Foundation, the FPS Justice and the Royal Belgian Notariat Federation.

Practical guide for family administrators | Koning Boudewijnstichting (

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