Supplementary death benefit


Cover in the event of death

By adding death benefit cover to your insurance-based pension plan, you ensure financial protection for your loved ones and your company if you were to pass away before retirement age.


Advantageous and tailored to your needs

You can combine your pension, savings, investments and insurance in a single advantageous policy. Moreover, you can adjust the benefit so that it exactly matches your personal requirements.


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A financial helping hand

What if you were to pass away tomorrow? Could your loved ones maintain a comfortable standard of living? And what about your business?

Additional cover can be useful to give your loved ones a financial helping hand in the event of your death. You can arrange this cover without taking out another insurance policy, simply by adding a supplementary benefit to the pension plan of your choice, such as:

  • a PLCI, which is a branch 21 personal pension plan for self-employed individuals, whether or not they’re running a company
  • a CPTI, which is a branch 21 pension plan for self-employed individuals who don’t run a company 
  • an EIP, which is a branch 21 or 23 insurance-based company pension plan for self-employed individuals who run a company

The benefits of supplementary death cover

If you pass away before retiring, the reserves built up in your pension plan will go to your loved ones. With supplementary death benefit, you gain further peace of mind.

Tailored to your needs

Do you want cover in the event of death due to illness or accident, or only in the event of accidental death? Do you want minimum lump sum to be paid out or an addition to your pension capital? You choose.


With your supplementary death benefit, your insurance-based pension plan gives financial security to your loved ones. No need to take out a separate death benefit policy.

Peace of mind

Protect your loved ones from any financial worries that may arise after your death, ensure that they maintain a comfortable standard of living and gain peace of mind for yourself.

Continuity of your business

The recipient of the lump sum can take the necessary steps to ensure the continuity of your business and meet its obligations, such as repaying loans.

Death benefit

What will your beneficiary receive if you die? When signing your policy, you can tailor the cover to your needs. Several options are available to you depending on your pension plan.

A fixed minimum lump sum*

The beneficiary receives an amount that is at least equal to the fixed minimum death benefit.

Once the reserve built up in your pension has reached the minimum death benefit amount, you stop paying premiums. Only the difference between the reserve and the death benefit is insured.


For example: your loved ones receive either the defined death benefit of €30,000 or the reserve built up in your pension. So even if the reserve is only €10,000 at the time of your death, they will still receive €30,000. 


Decreasing minimum lump sum**

The supplementary benefit follows the same principle as an insurance policy covering the remaining balance of a loan: the lump sum benefit decreases over time. In the event of your death, the beneficiary receives either the remaining death benefit or the reserve you have built up in your pension, whichever is higher.

As soon as the built-up reserve is equal to the minimum lump sum, you stop paying premiums.

For example: at the time of your death, you owe €27,000 and you have a built-up reserve of €10,000. Your debt will be settled with the €10,000 from your reserve and an additional €17,000 covered by the death benefit lump sum.

Fixed supplementary lump sum***

In the event of your death, the beneficiary receives the pension reserve you have built up plus the death benefit specified in your policy.

The premium for this supplementary benefit is calculated based on the lump sum you select.


For example: your loved ones receive the €30,000 lump sum specified in your policy in addition to the €10,000 euros you had saved up to your death.


Decreasing supplementary lump sum**

The supplementary benefit follows the same principle as an insurance policy covering the remaining balance of a loan: the initially insured lump sum decreases over time. The balance of your loan is covered by the minimum death benefit, which decreases as you repay your loan. In the event of your death, the balance of the loan is fully repaid with the death benefit lump sum, and your beneficiary receives the pension reserve you have built up.

For example: at the time of your death, you owe €27,000 and you have a built-up reserve of €10,000. The total debt of €27,000 is covered by your death benefit lump sum. The reserve of €10,000 is paid out to your beneficiary.


Accidental death benefit

With supplementary accidental death cover, your loved ones are protected in the event of death due to an accident at or outside work that’s not caused by illness. Your beneficiary will then receive the fixed amount stipulated in your policy, which can be up to €500,000.

Good to know

  • This benefit is subject to certain medical formalities, unless you only opt for cover in the event of accidental death.
  • The supplementary benefit ends automatically when your insurance-based pension plan expires.


  • A tax of 4.4% applies to premiums relating to supplementary death benefit in an EIP or CPTI plan. No tax is payable in a PLCI or INAMI plan.
  • Inheritance tax applies to the death benefit lump sum.

Risks covered by the death benefit

Main risks covered

  • death of the policyholder due to illness or accident before the end of the policy period

Main exclusions

  • death resulting from a parachute jump, bungee jumping or the use of a hang glider, ultralight aircraft or paraglider

  • death resulting from suicide within one year of the start of the policy 

  • death resulting from a crime or intentional professional misconduct by the policyholder

Discover the complete list of risks covered and exclusions

  • You will find the exact scope of the supplementary death benefit cover in the standard terms and conditions of the insurance-based pension plans below. For a tailored proposal, please contact your advisor or the Easy Banking Centre on 02 433 43 34.

Risks covered: accidental death benefit

Main risks covered

  • death of the policyholder due to an accident before the end of the policy period

Main exclusions

  • death resulting from illness, unless it is a direct consequence of an accident and within one year of the accident

  • death following an accident caused by a bet, a challenge or recklessness to which the policyholder exposed themselves without valid reason

  • death resulting from an accident that occurred while the policyholder was intoxicated, or that resulted directly or indirectly from alcohol

Discover the complete list of risks covered and exclusions

  • You will find the exact scope of the supplementary death benefit cover in the standard terms and conditions of the insurance-based pension plans below. For a tailored proposal, please contact your advisor or the Easy Banking Centre on 02 433 43 34.

Any concerns?

Complaints can be made to BNP Paribas Fortis SA, Complaints Department (JQABD), Montagne du Parc 3, 1000 Brussels (tel. 02 228 72 18,, or via the online form available on > Suggestions or complaints > online complaints form.

If you’re not happy with the proposed solution, you can send your complaint by post to the Insurance Ombudsman, Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels – BCE 884.072.054 – Tel: 02 547 58 71, -

Would you like to receive more information or tailored advice?Make an appointment online

Also of interest

  • Inability to work cover

    Protect yourself and your family from the financial consequences of being unable to work due to illness or accident. You can opt for a monthly allowance or reimbursement of your pension contributions.

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  • EIP

    Are you a self-employed individual who runs a company? Combine your PLCI personal pension plan for self-employed individuals with an EIP company pension plan. Your company pays the premiums for you.

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  • CPTI

    Are you a self-employed individual who doesn’t run a company? Use a CPTI personal pension plan to build up a supplementary pension pot in a tax-efficient way.

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  • Death benefit

    Do you want financial protection for your loved ones that’s independent of your pension? Discover our temporary level-term death benefit cover and our Premium Life Protection insurance.

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Legal information

Supplementary death benefit cover is an optional death benefit add-on that runs for the duration of the insurance policy to which it is added.

The PLCI personal pension plan for self-employed individuals is a Belgian-law branch 21 life insurance policy distributed by BNP Paribas Fortis. The policy runs for an agreed period.

The CPTI personal pension plan for self-employed individuals is a Belgian-law branch 21 life insurance policy distributed by BNP Paribas Fortis.

The EIP company pension plan is a Belgian-law branch 21 or 23 insurance product distributed by BNP Paribas Fortis. The policy runs for an agreed period.

AG Insurance SA/nv (abbreviated to AG) – 53 Boulevard Emile Jacqmain, B-1000 Brussels – RPM/RPR Brussels – VAT BE 0404.494.849 – - Accredited insurance company licenced under code number 0079, under the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium, 14 Boulevard de Berlaimont, B-1000 Brussels.

Intermediary: BNP Paribas Fortis SA/nv – 3 Montagne du Parc, B-1000 Brussels – RPM/RPR Brussels – VAT BE 0403.199.702, registered with the FSMA, 12-14 Rue du Congrès, B-1000 Brussels, under code number 025879 and acting as a contractually appointed insurance agent on behalf of AG Insurance SA/nv. BNP Paribas Fortis SA/nv holds a stake of more than 10% in AG Insurance SA/nv.

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