Banking security for entrepreneurs

For an entrepreneur, the internet has become essential. Whether you’re managing emails with clients and/or suppliers, paying bills via Easy Banking Web or App, managing accounts with Isabel or Easy Banking Business or promoting your business online, discover our cybersecurity procedures and tips for you and your team to avoid online fraud.

  • Totally secure banking

    Discover how our digital tools – Easy Banking App, Fintro Easy Banking Web, Easy Banking Business, Isabel etc. – enable you to manage your business banking easily and securely.

    Security features of my digital tools

  • Outsmarting fraudsters

    With fake invoices, fraudulent emails, phishing, vishing, ransomware and more besides, entrepreneurs are also targeted by cyberattacks. Learn to recognise the most common scams to protect your business from fraud.

    All about online fraud

  • The basics of online security

    Choosing complex and unique passwords, browsing the internet with a secure connection, locking and updating your business's devices and software… Discover how you and your team can increase your business's cybersecurity.

    My approach to security

Take precautions

Never share your confidential data

There are fraudsters who try to impersonate BNP Paribas Fortis by email, text message and telephone. Under no circumstances will we EVER ask you:

  • for any codes related to your cards (including the 3-digit CVV code on the back of your card) or your Easy Banking App, Web or Business access codes
  • for any codes received by text message or generated by your card reader or by itsme® 
  • to install any software allowing us to take control of your device remotely
  • to confirm or cancel a transaction via itsme®
  • to transfer money into a supposedly secure account

Similarly, we will NEVER come to your home to collect your cards, card readers, codes, mobile phone or anything else. 

Please also use the same level of caution if you receive a message or call supposedly coming from an official authority like the police or a government department, a company, a client, a helpdesk or Card Stop.

Do you think you may be a victim of fraud?

  • Always contact the Easy Banking Centre (Monday to Friday from 7am to 10pm and Saturday from 9am to 5pm). Call 02 762 90 00.
  • Immediately block all your bank cards via Card Stop at 078 170 170 or block your debit card(s) via the Easy Banking App.
  • Outside Easy Banking Centre hours and only in the event of suspected fraud, contact 02 433 43 80.
  • File a police report and send a copy of the report to your BNP Paribas Fortis branch.
  • Check, via the Easy Banking App (Settings > Security > Devices with our apps) or Easy Banking Web (Settings > Access to our apps), which devices your banking app has been installed on, and delete any suspicious or unknown devices.

For more information, you can consult : Safeonweb.be, Febelfin (the federation of the Belgian financial sector) and the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium

Want to report fraud outside Easy Banking Centre hours (Mon-Fri 7am-10pm, Sat 9am-5pm)? Call 02 433 43 80
Share your Easy Banking Web screen
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Share the session number
In order to activate the sharing of your Easy Banking Web screen, please communicate the session number below to the Easy Banking advisor with whom you are in contact.

Session number: