Starting your working life

You've landed your first job. Discover how to deal with changes in your day-to-day life and living arrangements, and find your way in the world of work.

  • Day-to-day life

    Starting your first job means changes to your day-to-day life: you have your salary and budget to manage, decisions to make and so on. We're here to guide you.

    Manage your day-to-day life

  • Accommodation

    Earning a living also means rethinking your accommodation: you might want to rent, live in shared accommodation, buy your own place or stay with your parents, but in a different way.

    Consider your accommodation options

  • Working

    Whether you’re an employee, self-employed or starting a business, you're discovering the world of work and we're here to help you see things more clearly.

    Find out more


By appointment and online

We're always available by appointment and your online bank is open 24/7

  • Available by appointment

    Do you have a question or need advice?

    Make an appointment

  • Online and mobile banking

    Banking with your smartphone, tablet or computer makes life so much easier!

    Find out more


By your side

If you're entering a new phase, we're here to guide and support you.

  • Growing family

    If you have a baby on the way, you can count on us to help you prepare financially for your child's arrival.

    Manage your budget

  • Higher education

    You want to study, go out with friends, go travelling and more besides. We're still here for you as you start this new, more independent phase of your life.

    Discover the world

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